As the holiday season begins, I have been thinking a lot about how each of us sees things, and not just photography – wise.

Not just talking about photography here, but how we see affects how we and others feel.   Especially around the holiday season, you never know how one smile, one word, one thoughtful action or one look will change another person’s day, sometimes their life.

If I had one wish this season for our wedding photography couples, their families and my own friends and family and people everywhere it would be this.

This is our digital holiday card this year, our holiday photography!    CLICK to see it and be patient!  MAKE SURE you wait until the end, it’s SO WORTH IT!

My wish this holiday season…look for the good and see the good in ourselves and others.

Look at and treat each other and ourselves with kindness.  Love with the eyes of a child.

Spread love.

Everywhere you go.

You never know the difference you can make in your own lives and the lives of others.

Look at people and yourself with eyes of love.

Thank you Shambre for sharing your song with me and the world!

See you SOON at Carnegie Hall!


Carnegie Hall


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